Tuesday, February 12, 2013

02.07 Free Choice Blog

The Pregnancy Project by Gaby Rodriguez
Gaby Rodriguez grew up where nothing was easy. Her mother got pregnant at the age of fourteen and her older siblings followed her footsteps by being teen parents as well. They all hoped that Gaby would break the cycle. But outsiders and her older sister Jessica expected it from her, for them, it was like family tradition. Gaby's plans never included a baby though. For her senior project, she thought it would be a good experiment to see what it was like to live down to the stereotypes and faked a pregnancy.
I was floored that Gaby's mother struggled so much as a child, young adult. She started out in a bad situation of being pregnant at the young age of fourteen to a so much worse predicament. To being forced to get married, having more kids, and being left to take care of all of them is hard. But to also have a selfish and cynical husband who speeds to the courthouse just to file the divorce papers first. Although, he was the only one who did wrong and had infidelities. She didn’t believe him at first and decided to follow him one day and saw it for herself. He then proceeded to take away her children and later abandoned them.
If I were to create notes, I would use the outline style to remember the most important points from the reading. I feel that using outline will help me get a better understanding and a more organized summarization of what I read in the book.  I would know the key points and important information if the notes were done well.

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